~Today was the Tablescapes Luncheon~
Our own Amazing Cindy R. shared with us! And We were blessed to have the musical talent of Carrie, Lori, and Sabrina. Thank you to all the table Hostess! (The tables were so Beautiful!)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Tablescapes Luncheon
WM presents:
Tablescapes Luncheon
(formerly Christmas tea/luncheon)
Date: Saturday November 6th 2010
Time: 11:30 am –1:30 p.m.
Location: First Baptist Church of Augusta CLC
Cost : $5.oo (suggested donation)
Catered by Jeanine Markley
Program: Viewing of decorated tables
Special Music by Carrie Natvig
Devotional Message by Cindy Rogers
Food, Fun, Fellowship, and Faith!
Questions: Vicki Bowman cevsbo@cox.net or Christina Cox cacox1995@gmail.com
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Look what we have now!
Calling all FBC Ladies~ Ww now have a bulletin board! Be watching it for upcoming events!
It is located in the hallway leading to the CLC Stairs!
What would you like to see on this board? Let me Know!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Beth Moore Simulcast
Hello Ladies~
Hope you are getting back into a routine with school, and fall activities right around the corner. Just heard about this simulcast featuring Beth Moore and thought you might like to know about it! Check out Hope Community Church web page for more details and to register by ** Clicking Here **
Living Proof Live brings beloved Bible teacher Beth Moore and worship leader Travis Cottrell via simulcast
directly to women in your community. This fun, authentic ministry team prepares a unique message from
God for each event. You’ll leave knowing that the message you heard was created just for you.
Advance Tickets - $25; At the Door - $30 Includes Box Lunch
Register at www.HopeCC.Net or 316.858.9100
21st Street East & The Andover Turnpike Exit
Have a Beautiful Day!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Truth is in the Handbag
Truth is in the Handbag
Shari Braendel
"Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me." Psalm 31:3 (NIV)
I recently watched as a frazzled shopper fumbled around in her bag trying to find her allusive keys. As she dug through her overstuffed purse, multiple items spilled out, landing on the counter and falling to the floor. Quickly, she began collecting her items.
I thought about her pretty purse, beautiful on the outside but hiding an unruly mess on the inside. And then I started thinking about how alike women and purses can be.
Maybe you're like a small purse that only has the capacity to hold a few things. Yet you try stuffing more into your life than you can hold, only to get frustrated. Perhaps one of those things is God: He's been crammed into a tiny space in your world and you don't give Him much room to rule because you feel more comfortable when you are in control.
Perhaps you're like a big purse, carrying all kinds of things. You're involving yourself in so many activities just because you can; with no real purpose to why you're doing it. You end up flustered like the shopper digging for her keys because you haven't spent the time needed to organize your spiritual life.
I know you're not a handbag, but when applying biblical truth and application, what kind of purse are you most like?
It's not God's desire for our inside to be out of sync with our outside. He desires for us to have our hearts turned toward Him and have our very pulse in beat with what He is doing in us.
Where should we start to curb the chaos, release our controlling tendencies and lighten the busyness to fall in step with God?
Start by being still. For some, that will go against every fiber of your being, but try it. Perhaps you abide in chaos because it's masking what is really going on with you, just like your pretty purse hides the unorganized mess within. Sit quietly and pray for God to help you be keenly aware of Him. Nothing that you are going through is a surprise to God.
Next, relax and trust the Lord. Sometimes feeling out of control causes you to hyper-control everything around you. Let go of your fears, doubts and worries and make room for God in your life.
Finally, clear your calendar. We overbook and over-schedule out of habit and now busy feels normal. Is your fast pace driven by fear, or does it define your value or identity? If so, re-evaluate where your time and energy are being spent and why.
Making a change doesn't come easily, but it can be done. Although seeking out time with God, learning to trust Him, and reorganizing your priorities can feel uncomfortable and difficult at first, I know for sure that it's not nearly as hard as living overcommitted and out of control.
Together, let's commit to cleaning out our "purses!"
Thought you might like this devotion I found! It really spoke to where I am at right now! So What kind of purse are you?
Have a Beautiful Day!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Have you signed up yet to go to the Conference? What are you waiting for? Sign ups are still being taken this Sunday! Cost $60 (includes hotel, conference and breakfast) plus food and spending money. (A $25 deposit is due 7/15 to reserve your spot)
Date: August 6-7
Location: Tulsa. Oklahoma
Contact Vicki Bowman for more information (or see Christina Sunday to register)
Hope to see you there!
Have a Beautiful Day!
Date: August 6-7
Location: Tulsa. Oklahoma
Contact Vicki Bowman for more information (or see Christina Sunday to register)
Hope to see you there!
Have a Beautiful Day!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Diiner & A Movie Recap with Pictures!
We had a great night of food, fun, friends and a great devotion by Cindy! See the pictures!
If you haven't seen this Movie yet, what are you waiting for? Seriously it is quickly becoming one of my favorite movies. I love this version of the Cinderella story, it makes it more real. I won't give the movie away but I will say my favorite sceen is towards the end when the Prince comes to rescue Danielle (the girl) and she has sorta already rescued herself and he says her name, and she say say it again! Don't we all want to be known, to be recognized!?! I know I do! I Love it! When we first moved here that was one thing I missed terribly was not being known. And I can still remember the first time someone saw me (outside of the church) and called my name and said Hi! 2 Timothy 2:19a But God’s truth stands firm like a foundation stone with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his." God Knows our names, even when those around us don't! Know You are Loved, Thought of, & Prayed for!
Have a Beautiful Day!
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If you haven't seen this Movie yet, what are you waiting for? Seriously it is quickly becoming one of my favorite movies. I love this version of the Cinderella story, it makes it more real. I won't give the movie away but I will say my favorite sceen is towards the end when the Prince comes to rescue Danielle (the girl) and she has sorta already rescued herself and he says her name, and she say say it again! Don't we all want to be known, to be recognized!?! I know I do! I Love it! When we first moved here that was one thing I missed terribly was not being known. And I can still remember the first time someone saw me (outside of the church) and called my name and said Hi! 2 Timothy 2:19a But God’s truth stands firm like a foundation stone with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his." God Knows our names, even when those around us don't! Know You are Loved, Thought of, & Prayed for!
Have a Beautiful Day!
2 Timothy 2:19a,
Dinner and A Movie,
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Rahab: Less than Perfect
Read Rahab's story here I think the story of Rahab is my favorite in the Bible because it shows so much about God's Love for us! He takes the least of us, (Rahab, a prostitute) and uses it for His purpose.
I can't even begin to imagine how Rahab must have felt to have two spies (foreigners) come to her and promise her safety and freedom if she helped them. Then to have to wait and see if they would keep their word. She saw her people destroyed and her city demolished. But can you even imagine the Joy she felt when she saw that they were true to their word? That God could and would use her a lowly prostitute. She was obedient! Wow! Canwe I say that we I are/am always obedient to what God asks of us me? It makes me think of all the amazing things I have missed out on because I wasn't obedient.
Rahab has been considered as an example of active faith, and despite whatever her past may have been before her turning to the true God, she was later considered among the righteous: She is even in the blood-line of Jesus
The Story of Rahab reveals God's willingness to use the less than perfect, the outcast, the unsuitable, to accomplish His purposes. Thankfully God dosen't wait for us to become perfect in order to use us. He dosen't even promise to make us perfect and then use us, instead like Rahab, He promises to use us and through that experience to perfect us. God only asks that we are willing to be used!
So It's my prayer that you will see, know, believe that God can and will use you, inspite of what you've done!
Have a Beautiful Day!
P.S. Just a reminder:Beth Moore's Esther Study starts this week! Wednesday's @ 9 am
I can't even begin to imagine how Rahab must have felt to have two spies (foreigners) come to her and promise her safety and freedom if she helped them. Then to have to wait and see if they would keep their word. She saw her people destroyed and her city demolished. But can you even imagine the Joy she felt when she saw that they were true to their word? That God could and would use her a lowly prostitute. She was obedient! Wow! Can
Rahab has been considered as an example of active faith, and despite whatever her past may have been before her turning to the true God, she was later considered among the righteous: She is even in the blood-line of Jesus
The Story of Rahab reveals God's willingness to use the less than perfect, the outcast, the unsuitable, to accomplish His purposes. Thankfully God dosen't wait for us to become perfect in order to use us. He dosen't even promise to make us perfect and then use us, instead like Rahab, He promises to use us and through that experience to perfect us. God only asks that we are willing to be used!
God Said in 2 Corinthians 12:10 (Message)
My grace is enough; it's all you need.
My strength comes into its own in your weakness.
Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ's strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become.
So It's my prayer that you will see, know, believe that God can and will use you, inspite of what you've done!
Titus 3:4-5 (New International Version)
4But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,
Have a Beautiful Day!
P.S. Just a reminder:Beth Moore's Esther Study starts this week! Wednesday's @ 9 am
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Dinner & A Movie: Everafter
Women's Minsitry Presents:
EVERAFTER Dinner & A Movie Date: Friday June 4th 2010 Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: FBC Friendship Room Come out and Join us as we watch the movie Everafter and enjoy a yummy Mexican Fiesta together. Bring a Friend!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Idols & Tools
This really spoke to my heart this week! I have been feeling cluttered and like I am holding on to things to fill a void, or something I feel is missing, when it's just stuff and I can't take it with me when I am gone! So I have been de cluttering my home as well as myself! Hope this is an Encouragement to you as well!
Today's Truth
Friend To Friend
We live in a "stuff" driven world where it does not seem to matter what we have, it is never enough. We are told the more things we have, the more successful we are. We not only want possessions, we want other people's talents, abilities, circumstances and relationships. Luke warns us to guard against "all kinds of greed." It is easy for us to covet a job that offers more power and prestige. We want the power that another seems to possess in their career. We are driven to have the best and to be the best, unable to relax and celebrate where we are and what we do have. Hebrews 13:5 is powerfully clear in its warning, "Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be satisfied with what you have. God has said, "I will never leave you; I will never forget you" (NCV). Now that is a fortune.
Be honest. How important are your possessions? How do you view them? Howard Hendricks, a great Bible teacher, was having dinner with a very wealthy and prestigious man. Hendricks was amazed at the humility of his host, knowing the man's impressive credentials and the massive wealth he possessed. At the end of the evening, Hendricks asked his friend, "How did you grow up in such wealth and not be consumed by materialism?" With a smile, the man responded, "My parents taught me that everything in our home was either an idol or a tool. The choice was up to me."
The truth is that we want whatever we put first in life. I have discovered the more I have to live for, the less I need to live on. Too often, greed and jealousy encourage wrong decisions and foster unhealthy and ungodly attitudes. The fact is - greed and jealousy are fruits of idolatry. Everything in life is either an idol we choose to worship or a tool we choose to use for good or bad.
Corrie ten Boom was a godly woman who endured great persecution from the Nazis in the World War II concentration camp known as Ravensbruck. During an interview, she once stated she had learned to hold everything "loosely" in her hands. When asked why, Miss ten Boom explained that after being a Christian for many years, she had discovered the truth that when she grasped things tightly, it hurt more when the Lord would have to pry her fingers loose. The choice really is ours to make. We need to hold our "stuff" loosely while investing financial resources in eternal things. We need to keep our gaze riveted to God's plan alone instead of entering the all too familiar and ungodly "competition" that seems to plague so many people.
To stay away from idols and avoid greed we need to change our focus from what we want to what we have and choose to be satisfied with whatever that is. In Luke 12:15, Jesus issues a warning, "Be careful and guard against all kinds of greed. Life is not measured by how much one owns" (ICB). I believe that attaching importance to "things" is sin and will lead to more sin.
I love the story of a wealthy man who prayed, asking for permission to take his earthly wealth with him when he died and went to heaven. An angel appeared to the man and said, "We heard your prayer, but I am sorry. You simply cannot take it with you." The man pleaded so passionately that the angel said, "Let me see what I can do." When the angel returned, he reported, "Good news! God has made an exception for you. You may bring one suitcase with you when it is your time to go." Delighted, the man packed his one suitcase and went on with life. Several years later, he died and appeared at the Pearly Gates where St. Peter who took one look at the suitcase and said, "I am sorry, sir, but you cannot bring that in with you", met him. The man protested, "But I received special permission." Just then, the angel appeared and said, "Peter, it is true. He has special permission to bring one suitcase in with him." Curious, Peter said, "Do you mind showing me what is in the bag that is so important to you?" With a smile, the man replied, "Not at all" and proceeded to open the suitcase to reveal stacks of gold bricks. Peter's face said it all, "Pavement? You brought pavement with you?"
Many of us are in a never-ending and futile quest to accumulate "pavement" here that is worthless there! Wealth is all a matter of perspective. We need to understand that our Father wants us to have wealth. We just have to be careful not to settle for earthly money and possessions or human power and prestige instead of the eternal treasures only He can offer.
Some things to ponder:
· How important are your possessions to you? Be honest.
· Make a list of your ten most important "things." Will they be just as important in a year?
· Examine your heart for any jealousy. Record your thoughts in your journal.
· Identify and eliminate any "pockets" of jealousy and greed in your heart.
· Begin each day with a prayer of thanksgiving. Evaluate the difference this prayer has made in your life after a month.
May 4, 2010
Idols and Tools
Mary Southerland
Today's Truth
Luke 12:15 (ICB) "Jesus said to them, "Be careful and guard against all kinds of greed. Life is not measured by how much one owns."
Friend To Friend
We live in a "stuff" driven world where it does not seem to matter what we have, it is never enough. We are told the more things we have, the more successful we are. We not only want possessions, we want other people's talents, abilities, circumstances and relationships. Luke warns us to guard against "all kinds of greed." It is easy for us to covet a job that offers more power and prestige. We want the power that another seems to possess in their career. We are driven to have the best and to be the best, unable to relax and celebrate where we are and what we do have. Hebrews 13:5 is powerfully clear in its warning, "Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be satisfied with what you have. God has said, "I will never leave you; I will never forget you" (NCV). Now that is a fortune.
Be honest. How important are your possessions? How do you view them? Howard Hendricks, a great Bible teacher, was having dinner with a very wealthy and prestigious man. Hendricks was amazed at the humility of his host, knowing the man's impressive credentials and the massive wealth he possessed. At the end of the evening, Hendricks asked his friend, "How did you grow up in such wealth and not be consumed by materialism?" With a smile, the man responded, "My parents taught me that everything in our home was either an idol or a tool. The choice was up to me."
The truth is that we want whatever we put first in life. I have discovered the more I have to live for, the less I need to live on. Too often, greed and jealousy encourage wrong decisions and foster unhealthy and ungodly attitudes. The fact is - greed and jealousy are fruits of idolatry. Everything in life is either an idol we choose to worship or a tool we choose to use for good or bad.
Corrie ten Boom was a godly woman who endured great persecution from the Nazis in the World War II concentration camp known as Ravensbruck. During an interview, she once stated she had learned to hold everything "loosely" in her hands. When asked why, Miss ten Boom explained that after being a Christian for many years, she had discovered the truth that when she grasped things tightly, it hurt more when the Lord would have to pry her fingers loose. The choice really is ours to make. We need to hold our "stuff" loosely while investing financial resources in eternal things. We need to keep our gaze riveted to God's plan alone instead of entering the all too familiar and ungodly "competition" that seems to plague so many people.
To stay away from idols and avoid greed we need to change our focus from what we want to what we have and choose to be satisfied with whatever that is. In Luke 12:15, Jesus issues a warning, "Be careful and guard against all kinds of greed. Life is not measured by how much one owns" (ICB). I believe that attaching importance to "things" is sin and will lead to more sin.
I love the story of a wealthy man who prayed, asking for permission to take his earthly wealth with him when he died and went to heaven. An angel appeared to the man and said, "We heard your prayer, but I am sorry. You simply cannot take it with you." The man pleaded so passionately that the angel said, "Let me see what I can do." When the angel returned, he reported, "Good news! God has made an exception for you. You may bring one suitcase with you when it is your time to go." Delighted, the man packed his one suitcase and went on with life. Several years later, he died and appeared at the Pearly Gates where St. Peter who took one look at the suitcase and said, "I am sorry, sir, but you cannot bring that in with you", met him. The man protested, "But I received special permission." Just then, the angel appeared and said, "Peter, it is true. He has special permission to bring one suitcase in with him." Curious, Peter said, "Do you mind showing me what is in the bag that is so important to you?" With a smile, the man replied, "Not at all" and proceeded to open the suitcase to reveal stacks of gold bricks. Peter's face said it all, "Pavement? You brought pavement with you?"
Many of us are in a never-ending and futile quest to accumulate "pavement" here that is worthless there! Wealth is all a matter of perspective. We need to understand that our Father wants us to have wealth. We just have to be careful not to settle for earthly money and possessions or human power and prestige instead of the eternal treasures only He can offer.
Let's Pray
Father, I confess to You that the material things of this world often tempt me. Please forgive me for the greed in my life and help me learn how to choose against it. I choose to keep my eyes on You and the eternal wealth You alone can offer. Help me to guard my heart and mind. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Some things to ponder:
· How important are your possessions to you? Be honest.
· Make a list of your ten most important "things." Will they be just as important in a year?
· Examine your heart for any jealousy. Record your thoughts in your journal.
· Identify and eliminate any "pockets" of jealousy and greed in your heart.
· Begin each day with a prayer of thanksgiving. Evaluate the difference this prayer has made in your life after a month.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Today I am sharing part of my story, I don't do this for you to pity me but in hopes that it will be an encouragement to you. This past summer at Middle School Camp we were talking about scars and comparing our scars. I have a few, that you can see one on my left arm and two on my right foot from a car accident I was in in 2005. I have some scars you cant see, they are inside. I didn't grow up in a christian home, and there was no talk of God. I grew up in a home filled with angry words, and flying fists. For a very long time I thought everybody knew my secret. You see when a child hears they are stupid or won't amount to anything they believe it! I felt ugly inside and out! I had no hope of being anything of any value to anyone. I looked to the world to find value and worth and it filled me with more lies... Be prettier, be thiner, be smarter... be better... be more! I couldn't do any of these things but I tried, boy did I try. I so wanted to be loved, to feel loved, and I did whatever it took. I did whatever it took to get that love...but I never felt completely satisfied with it, it was never enough. I was all alone even when I was surrounded by people.
It wasn't until after I was married that I learned true love, and it wasn't from my husband (he did/does show me love), it was different an unconditional love like I had never knew before. I was 21 when I first met Jesus. I tried to "fake it" like I had done with people in the world for so long, but He saw right threw me. He (Jesus) saw threw to the ugly, brokeness, and loved me anyway! He began to heal those scars, that no one else could see. He took away the pain, the hurt that was caused by those scars.
I love this scripture because it reminds me that I am not alone! He (God) binds up, bandages those scars those wounds I have and heals them! He counts and knows the names of all the stars and He knows me, calls me by my name. I never thought I deserved His Love, His Healing, but He showed me I did.
His scars take away ours! His Love is enough!
This past few weeks, I have been feeling the pull to share this with other women, because when I look at you I see the hurts so many of us still hold on to, the scars that just won't seem to fade and it breaks my heart. It breaks my heart, that many women don't feel they deserve this healing. Can I tell you, you do! You have a God who love's you! Who cherishes you, and wants you to know His unconditional Love. His Love brings a healing that only God can. My prayer is that you will seek this healing out, that you will allow God to bind up your wounds, no matter how dirty or ugly they are. That His Hope will replace those scars.
It wasn't until after I was married that I learned true love, and it wasn't from my husband (he did/does show me love), it was different an unconditional love like I had never knew before. I was 21 when I first met Jesus. I tried to "fake it" like I had done with people in the world for so long, but He saw right threw me. He (Jesus) saw threw to the ugly, brokeness, and loved me anyway! He began to heal those scars, that no one else could see. He took away the pain, the hurt that was caused by those scars.
Psalm 147: 3-5 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.
Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.
I love this scripture because it reminds me that I am not alone! He (God) binds up, bandages those scars those wounds I have and heals them! He counts and knows the names of all the stars and He knows me, calls me by my name. I never thought I deserved His Love, His Healing, but He showed me I did.
He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by His wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)
His scars take away ours! His Love is enough!
This past few weeks, I have been feeling the pull to share this with other women, because when I look at you I see the hurts so many of us still hold on to, the scars that just won't seem to fade and it breaks my heart. It breaks my heart, that many women don't feel they deserve this healing. Can I tell you, you do! You have a God who love's you! Who cherishes you, and wants you to know His unconditional Love. His Love brings a healing that only God can. My prayer is that you will seek this healing out, that you will allow God to bind up your wounds, no matter how dirty or ugly they are. That His Hope will replace those scars.
Know you are Loved, Though of & Prayed for!
Have a Beautiful Day!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Waging Peace
Hello Ladies~ Todays post is one I had in my e-mail in box and thought you might enjoy it as well. It's right in tune with what Pastor Terry has been sharing with us in his sermons the past few weeks. This devotion comes from Girl Friends in God a daily devotion.
Waging Peace
Today's Truth
Friend To Friend
If we have a personal relationship with God then we have access to all of His power and all of His peace. Now stop for a moment and read that statement again. Do you really believe it? I am convinced that we have become complacent about the power of God. It is that same power that raised Lazerus from the dead, healed the blind man and made the lame man walk. That same power is ours - if we know God.
While His power is miraculous, we still live each day as if we were spiritual beggars without hope and without purpose because we do not understand and walk in the truth that God makes His power and His peace available to us. The question then becomes how to tap into God's power and peace. Scripture is clear when it says that our only power and peace comes from God through consistent prayer, bible study and right relationships.
Paul understood that peace is often the casualty of unresolved conflict in relationships and in ministry. In his letter to the church at Philippi, Paul gives us a glimpse of just how serious he is about peace. He was serious enough to call names and to call those names in front of the whole church. I don't know about you, but if I had been Euodia and Syntyche, I would have died of embarrassment and looked for the nearest pew to crawl under when Paul's letter was read. On the other hand, their names may be the reason for their anger. Euodia means "prosperous journey" while Syntyche means "pleasant acquaintance". These two women were certainly not living up to their names. Euodia and Syntyche were not bad women but women who worked in the church and had even worked with Paul. But something had happened! The scripture does not say what the problem was. It wasn't important. It usually isn't. Paul really did not care about the details. He simply said to "fix it" and tells them to agree with each other in the Lord.
Paul is not saying they must always agree about everything or that there will never be conflict. He is telling them that their bickering is destroying the peace of the church - dangerous ground on which to stand. Unresolved conflict is the enemy of peace and has no place in the church. Yet, as women in ministry, much of our time is spent on this very issue - conflict resolution - and the reason is simple. Sin is alive and well - in the world and in the church. If we "followed wholly" after God, seeking to become fully devoted followers of God, peace would be the norm instead of the exception.
The world has its own system for working out conflict. It is called retaliation and revenge! But God has a different plan.
The "wound" is confrontation for the good of friend. If you love - you level! Loving confrontation is a gift we bring to healthy relationships and one of the most important tools in ministry. Our refusal to confront someone because it makes us uncomfortable is like watching in silence as someone we love walks off a dangerous cliff. It is sin. God calls us as women in ministry to confrontation. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to confront someone.
My husband, Dan, was leaving for a trip, a time always filled with tension. Something he did made me very angry, but I did not want to confront him about it before his trip, knowing we would not have time to discuss the problem. My solution was to save my confrontation. I waited - and gave my anger ample time to grow into a full-fledged, volcanic eruption. Several days later, my poor unsuspecting husband walked in the front door, suitcases in hand, exhausted and so glad to be home. Well, I fixed that! I let him have it - in front of the kids. In other words, I broke every rule of confrontation. I could easily have waited until Dan had taken a nap, the kids had gone outside to play or I had managed to garner a better attitude. Better still, I could have dismissed the whole issue for what it was, an unworthy place to invest my emotion energy.
Successful confrontation is always done in love. If we enjoy or look forward to the confrontation, our motive is wrong. The harder the truth, the more love we must use to say it. Here are a few rules for confrontation done the right way:
The time to prepare for conflict resolution is now. The choice to handle every disagreement according to the rules of healthy confrontation must be made before the disagreement or conflict occurs. Decide right now to resolve all conflict. And if you are causing conflict - stop it! Peace is at stake.
Now It's Your Turn
Examine the relationships in your life.
Is there any conflict that needs to be resolved?
Are you willing to take the first step toward restoration?
More From The Girlfriends
Have a Beautiful Day!
P.S. Want more from Girl Friends in God? Check this link out: http://www.girlfriendsingod.com/
Waging Peace
By Mary Southerland
Today's Truth
Philippians 4:2-3 "I encourage both Euodia and Syntyche to have the attitude the Lord wants them to have. Yes, I also ask you, Syzugus, my true partner, to help these women. They fought beside me to spread the Good News along with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are in the Book of Life"(GWT).
Friend To Friend
If we have a personal relationship with God then we have access to all of His power and all of His peace. Now stop for a moment and read that statement again. Do you really believe it? I am convinced that we have become complacent about the power of God. It is that same power that raised Lazerus from the dead, healed the blind man and made the lame man walk. That same power is ours - if we know God.
While His power is miraculous, we still live each day as if we were spiritual beggars without hope and without purpose because we do not understand and walk in the truth that God makes His power and His peace available to us. The question then becomes how to tap into God's power and peace. Scripture is clear when it says that our only power and peace comes from God through consistent prayer, bible study and right relationships.
Paul understood that peace is often the casualty of unresolved conflict in relationships and in ministry. In his letter to the church at Philippi, Paul gives us a glimpse of just how serious he is about peace. He was serious enough to call names and to call those names in front of the whole church. I don't know about you, but if I had been Euodia and Syntyche, I would have died of embarrassment and looked for the nearest pew to crawl under when Paul's letter was read. On the other hand, their names may be the reason for their anger. Euodia means "prosperous journey" while Syntyche means "pleasant acquaintance". These two women were certainly not living up to their names. Euodia and Syntyche were not bad women but women who worked in the church and had even worked with Paul. But something had happened! The scripture does not say what the problem was. It wasn't important. It usually isn't. Paul really did not care about the details. He simply said to "fix it" and tells them to agree with each other in the Lord.
Paul is not saying they must always agree about everything or that there will never be conflict. He is telling them that their bickering is destroying the peace of the church - dangerous ground on which to stand. Unresolved conflict is the enemy of peace and has no place in the church. Yet, as women in ministry, much of our time is spent on this very issue - conflict resolution - and the reason is simple. Sin is alive and well - in the world and in the church. If we "followed wholly" after God, seeking to become fully devoted followers of God, peace would be the norm instead of the exception.
The world has its own system for working out conflict. It is called retaliation and revenge! But God has a different plan.
Proverbs 27:6 "Faithful are the wounds of a friend."
The "wound" is confrontation for the good of friend. If you love - you level! Loving confrontation is a gift we bring to healthy relationships and one of the most important tools in ministry. Our refusal to confront someone because it makes us uncomfortable is like watching in silence as someone we love walks off a dangerous cliff. It is sin. God calls us as women in ministry to confrontation. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to confront someone.
My husband, Dan, was leaving for a trip, a time always filled with tension. Something he did made me very angry, but I did not want to confront him about it before his trip, knowing we would not have time to discuss the problem. My solution was to save my confrontation. I waited - and gave my anger ample time to grow into a full-fledged, volcanic eruption. Several days later, my poor unsuspecting husband walked in the front door, suitcases in hand, exhausted and so glad to be home. Well, I fixed that! I let him have it - in front of the kids. In other words, I broke every rule of confrontation. I could easily have waited until Dan had taken a nap, the kids had gone outside to play or I had managed to garner a better attitude. Better still, I could have dismissed the whole issue for what it was, an unworthy place to invest my emotion energy.
Successful confrontation is always done in love. If we enjoy or look forward to the confrontation, our motive is wrong. The harder the truth, the more love we must use to say it. Here are a few rules for confrontation done the right way:
Confront with the right motive.
Confront at the right time.
Confront with the right audience.
Confront in the right way.
The time to prepare for conflict resolution is now. The choice to handle every disagreement according to the rules of healthy confrontation must be made before the disagreement or conflict occurs. Decide right now to resolve all conflict. And if you are causing conflict - stop it! Peace is at stake.
Now It's Your Turn
Examine the relationships in your life.
Is there any conflict that needs to be resolved?
Are you willing to take the first step toward restoration?
More From The Girlfriends
As children of God, our relationships should illustrate God's love and peace. When conflict occurs, we need to be willing to initiate the process of resolving that conflict. I want to challenge ever Girlfriend to wage peace - in your relationships, your home, your family and workplace. Do not surrender the peace of God to anyone or any agenda.
Have a Beautiful Day!
P.S. Want more from Girl Friends in God? Check this link out: http://www.girlfriendsingod.com/
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Luke 1:46-55
And Mary said,
I'm bursting with God-news;
I'm dancing the song of my Savior God.
God took one good look at me, and look what happened—
I'm the most fortunate woman on earth!
What God has done for me will never be forgotten,
the God whose very name is holy, set apart from all others.
His mercy flows in wave after wave
on those who are in awe before him.
He bared his arm and showed his strength,
scattered the bluffing braggarts.
He knocked tyrants off their high horses,
pulled victims out of the mud.
The starving poor sat down to a banquet;
the callous rich were left out in the cold.
He embraced his chosen child, Israel;
he remembered and piled on the mercies, piled them high.
It's exactly what he promised,
beginning with Abraham and right up to now.
Hope this will be an Encouragment to you today!
Have a Beautiful Day!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
New Women's Bible Study: Covenant
Kay Arthur shows that the idea of covenant—God’s enduring promise—is key to understanding our relationship to God. Covenant explores God’s initiatives with humanity by studying His covenants throughout history. The eight-week format touches on the most important aspects of covenant:
•Week 1: The Whole Counsel of God
•Week 2: In Covenant with Him
•Week 3: The Customs of Covenant
•Week 4: The Lord Watch Between Me and You
•Week 5: A Walk into Death
•Week 6: The Oneness of Covenant
•Week 7: The Covenants of Salvation
•Week 8: Mediator of the New Covenant
•Week 9: The Covenant of Transforming Power
Through the process of inductive Bible study, participants will learn what it means to live covenant relationship with God.
Praying you will be blessed by this new study~
Have a Beautiful Day!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Fondue + Friends = FUN!
What do you get when you mix Fondue and some Fabulous women?
FUN! LAUGHTER! & an Impromptue craft Lesson! We made these Fun Flower Rings! Ate some Yummy Food! And Laughed A Lot! It was so good to get out and spend some good quality time with other women! So Thank You, to all the Amazing Ladies that came out! And for those that weren't able to make it, we missed you! Have a Great Weekend!
Have a Beautiful Day!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Fondue & Fun This Friday!

Date: Friday February 19th 2010
Time: 6:30-??
Location: FBC Friendship Room
Bring: Dippers and a 2 liter soda to share
Need an Idea of what a dipper is? Some include: bread, fruit, crackers, marshmellows, cookies, pretzels, meatballs, mini sausages, pound cake, any thing you would want dipped in chocolate, cheese, carmel or pizza. See ya there!
Have a Beautiful Day!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Week Four Review (Session Five)
Ok I am not sure who is reading this but thie week I thought I'd do things a little different. I hope you are enjoying this study as much as I am. I am just a little sad that it will end soon. Ok for the review this week, I had several things that really stood out for me, and I will share a few but I want to know what pulled on your heart strings? What made you stop and think? What made you uncomfortable? What makes you hmmmmmm? Share your thoughts!
Week Four Review:
*The primary reason why God allowed the wilderness was to bring them to this place, where the process of intimacy would begin. (he had to get them out of thier comfortable pits, so they could draw near to Him, and so they could hear God speak ot them) You know He does this for us as well.
*Sometimes God allows hardship to graciously show us we desperately need Him. Often when we are at our lowest place physically, financially, relationally, or in another crucial area of our lives, God ignites our hearts for him in a brand new way. *
He (God) will often allow wilderness journeys to position us so our spiritual ears are more receptive to His message. God wants you to know His voice with confidence.
On Eagles Wings:
Sometimes we need the nest stirred up, so that God can work in us. And like the momma eagle with her young he will be there to catch us, He wont's let us fall! The picture of this in my head is soo incredible to know that God is doing that for us, for me! Wow!
The Video Session this week was Awesome! If you haven't seen it yet you need to! (I may even ask to burrow it again!
So The only things I want to write about that is this:
Week Four Review:
*The primary reason why God allowed the wilderness was to bring them to this place, where the process of intimacy would begin. (he had to get them out of thier comfortable pits, so they could draw near to Him, and so they could hear God speak ot them) You know He does this for us as well.
*Sometimes God allows hardship to graciously show us we desperately need Him. Often when we are at our lowest place physically, financially, relationally, or in another crucial area of our lives, God ignites our hearts for him in a brand new way. *
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you James 4:8
He (God) will often allow wilderness journeys to position us so our spiritual ears are more receptive to His message. God wants you to know His voice with confidence.
On Eagles Wings:
As an eagle stirs up its nest,
Hovers over its young,
Spreading out its wings, taking them up,
Carrying them on its wings,
Deuteronomy 32:11
Sometimes we need the nest stirred up, so that God can work in us. And like the momma eagle with her young he will be there to catch us, He wont's let us fall! The picture of this in my head is soo incredible to know that God is doing that for us, for me! Wow!
The Video Session this week was Awesome! If you haven't seen it yet you need to! (I may even ask to burrow it again!
So The only things I want to write about that is this:
What Kind of Influencers do you have in your life?
What Kind of Influencer are you?
What is in your box? (are you willing for God to take the Box and shake it up? I am!)
Have a Beautiful Week!
One in a Million,
Weekly Review,
Women's Bible Study
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Experiencing God (Week 3 Review & Session 4 Viewer Guide)
Week Three: Experiencing God
Every wilderness season increases the likelihood that we'll see God's supernatural power working for our good.
Expect the Unexpected! God leads us to places where His power shows up in new and astonishing ways.
When God allows you to face a "Red Sea," don't become discouraged. Don't whine and question the Lord's ability. Expect that God is positioning you to see Him work in your life in a unique and unusual way.
God's goal for our journey is that we not only see the miracle of His deliverance at our Red Seas but that we experience the miracle of His provision beyond them. The Lord wants us to thirst not after a quick fix to our problems but after the life-altering refreshment of Hid provision. Psalm 63:1
Scripture is clear that God hears and responds to the cries of His people.
Every wilderness season increases the likelihood that we'll see God's supernatural power working for our good.
Expect the Unexpected! God leads us to places where His power shows up in new and astonishing ways.
When God allows you to face a "Red Sea," don't become discouraged. Don't whine and question the Lord's ability. Expect that God is positioning you to see Him work in your life in a unique and unusual way.
God's goal for our journey is that we not only see the miracle of His deliverance at our Red Seas but that we experience the miracle of His provision beyond them. The Lord wants us to thirst not after a quick fix to our problems but after the life-altering refreshment of Hid provision. Psalm 63:1
Scripture is clear that God hears and responds to the cries of His people.
2 Samuel 22:7 (The Message)
7 A hostile world! I called to God,
to my God I cried out.
From his palace he heard me call;
my cry brought me right into his presence—
a private audience!
When you find in yourself a gnawing hunger that you can't fill with any relationship, success or earthly resources, know that God is leading you to an opportunity to know Him as your Sustainer. God allows hunger so that you can know the satisfaction of a full spiritual tank. Matthew 5:6 says: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
They (the Isrealites) (us) became blind to what God was doing in the now. Isreal's faith in God and view of their journey grew distorted, so they ignored truth about God's love and faithfulness.
The wilderness is a blessing meant to help us see God more fully and completely, to help us to love Himmore wholeheartedly, and to show us the importance of committing to Him above all else.
Salvation delivers you out of Egypt, but the wilderness is designed to work Egypt out of you and replace the prominence of its influence in your life. We must trust that God will choose to work in a way that both brings Him glory and serves His purposes for our lives. In the midst of our pain God makes a way for us to see and experience His greatness.
Our Wilderness Prayer: Lord this is what I desire. Please do it or something better.
Session 4 Viewer Guide:
That what is frustratining you now. will be your greatest joy, on your way home.
It wasn't a mistake or an accident. God wanted the wilderness to be a part of their story. Exodus 13:17-18
We have a God who lives, who we can have a passionate, intimate relationship with Him. Hosea 2:14-17,19,23
They (the Isrealites) (us) became blind to what God was doing in the now. Isreal's faith in God and view of their journey grew distorted, so they ignored truth about God's love and faithfulness.
We should refocus our attention on what He has accomplished and is accomplishing. We must force ourselves to recall the promises He has made, proactively claiming those promises reguardless of our feeling. Philippians 4:8 8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
The wilderness is a blessing meant to help us see God more fully and completely, to help us to love Himmore wholeheartedly, and to show us the importance of committing to Him above all else.
Salvation delivers you out of Egypt, but the wilderness is designed to work Egypt out of you and replace the prominence of its influence in your life. We must trust that God will choose to work in a way that both brings Him glory and serves His purposes for our lives. In the midst of our pain God makes a way for us to see and experience His greatness.
Our Wilderness Prayer: Lord this is what I desire. Please do it or something better.
Session 4 Viewer Guide:
That what is frustratining you now. will be your greatest joy, on your way home.
It wasn't a mistake or an accident. God wanted the wilderness to be a part of their story. Exodus 13:17-18
We have a God who lives, who we can have a passionate, intimate relationship with Him. Hosea 2:14-17,19,23
The wilderness reveals to us :
1. The Passion of God
2. The Power of God
3. The Purpose of God
The same God who was willing to pay a price for His beloved people in the Old Testament is the same God who loved us so much. He was willing to pay a great high price in the New Testament.
Want to know more about Brian "head" Welch of Korn? Click on his name or watch him share his testimony here: I am Second .
Wow! What a story. May you feel God's Blessings this week!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Welcome to the Wilderness (Week 2 Review) & (Week 3 Session Guide)
The Lord often chooses a wilderness experience for us because His goal is to make us more dependent on Him.
The Isrealites, didn't get lost and get stuck in the wilderness, their GPS didn't malfunction. God led them there, directing their steps according to His divine plan. He wants to do that for us, as well.
1 Peter 1:6-7 says "You may have had to suffer greif in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith --of greater worht than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proven genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor."

Isaiah 55:8 "For my Thoughts are not your thoughts. Nor are your ways My ways," declares the Lord. God wants to take us on the paths that fosters a deeper relationship with Him. He wants us to lay aside our determination to do life our way and follow Him. The wilderness fosters humility and strengthens our commitment to obedience. In His grace and love for His feeble children, the Lord showed His presence so that they could be certain He was with them on the journey. He still wants to make Himself fully known to us and does so by working through what He has created.
God Loves you and has not forgotten you. And He will never lead you into a place that will not work toward accomplishing His purpose for you.
What are some verses that bring you comfort? Here are some our favorite scriptures that bring us comfort:
Week 3 (Experiencing God)
God is predictable in HIs character, but He is completely unpredictable in His activity.
We are to:
(Open your eyes)
(Be Quiet!)
The Isrealistes trusted God for their deliverence, but not their circumstances and that is evident in Exodus 14 as soon as they began to face a struggle they complained, they were afraid, and they wanted to turn back. What they couldn't see was the the things that concerned them also concerned God.
Abundant life, promised land living is not for tomorrow-- it is for today--watch for it.
Take delibert pauses and be aware of God's activity in your life. (He is active, Just ask Him to show you)
Praying you all will have an Amazing Week, Experiencing God!
One in a Million,
Weekly Review,
Women's Bible Study
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
One in a MIllion (Week One Review) & (Week Two)
Week One (Deliverance):
The Curse of Sin enslaves our souls; it is a lock and chain that keeps us from finding freedom. It guarantees every human a life of separation from God. But God Our God tells us in: Psalm 100:3 (NIV) Know that the LORD is God. It is he, who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. But, until we deal with the shackle of sin, we cannot cross the boundaries that keep us from experiencing an abundant relationship with God. Galatians 5:1 (MSG) 1 Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you.
We have the ability (through Christ) to be free from the shackle of sin we have to choose it!
I don’t know about you, but I am not sure that I will be able to look at an Elephant again with out thinking about how we, like them are allowing ourselves to be shackled to something (SIN) that with Christ we are free from, we just have to move!
In days 3 and 4 of Week one Priscilla writes that: to accept God's call to journey onward means some things must also be left behind, even the things that tempt us to return to old ways. For the Israelites it was the food they had become accustomed to. They couldn't see that God's provision of Manna was to cleanse their palate and to show them what life with him would be like. God gave this meal as a gift to His people, not only to sustain them in their journey but also to wean the Hebrews off their accustomed tastes. He wanted them to be free from all that was Egypt in their lives. But in the end only two could do it.
Day 5: God's Work in us thus far isn't a box into which He will fit, but a slab upon which He will build. We must be willing to move out of our comfort zones and church routines if we are to break through to the abundant life Christ offers. Make this your prayer: Psalm 25:4-5 4 Show me how you work, God; School me in your ways. 5 Take me by the hand; Lead me down the path of truth. You are my Savior, aren't you?
Week Two (Development):
I am excited for week two, God is going to show us how the desert places in our lives, the wilderness places (you know the ones, where you feel all alone, or abandon by God) are for our growth, to develop us into what we were created for. God purposely chose the wilderness for the people of Israel. *There are some things we don't know about ourselves until we are put in a position where we have to see God's power operating through us. God wants to develop us, and He uses the wilderness to do it. We have to choose to follow Him through the wilderness and trust that He will provide, or sit on the side whining and not receive the glory of His blessings. Job 4:25 I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees you. God wants us to see! You can't see the miracles unless there is an impossible situation you can't figure out for yourself.
Have a Beautiful Day!
The Curse of Sin enslaves our souls; it is a lock and chain that keeps us from finding freedom. It guarantees every human a life of separation from God. But God Our God tells us in: Psalm 100:3 (NIV) Know that the LORD is God. It is he, who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. But, until we deal with the shackle of sin, we cannot cross the boundaries that keep us from experiencing an abundant relationship with God. Galatians 5:1 (MSG) 1 Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you.
We have the ability (through Christ) to be free from the shackle of sin we have to choose it!
I don’t know about you, but I am not sure that I will be able to look at an Elephant again with out thinking about how we, like them are allowing ourselves to be shackled to something (SIN) that with Christ we are free from, we just have to move!
In days 3 and 4 of Week one Priscilla writes that: to accept God's call to journey onward means some things must also be left behind, even the things that tempt us to return to old ways. For the Israelites it was the food they had become accustomed to. They couldn't see that God's provision of Manna was to cleanse their palate and to show them what life with him would be like. God gave this meal as a gift to His people, not only to sustain them in their journey but also to wean the Hebrews off their accustomed tastes. He wanted them to be free from all that was Egypt in their lives. But in the end only two could do it.
Day 5: God's Work in us thus far isn't a box into which He will fit, but a slab upon which He will build. We must be willing to move out of our comfort zones and church routines if we are to break through to the abundant life Christ offers. Make this your prayer: Psalm 25:4-5 4 Show me how you work, God; School me in your ways. 5 Take me by the hand; Lead me down the path of truth. You are my Savior, aren't you?
Week Two (Development):
I am excited for week two, God is going to show us how the desert places in our lives, the wilderness places (you know the ones, where you feel all alone, or abandon by God) are for our growth, to develop us into what we were created for. God purposely chose the wilderness for the people of Israel. *There are some things we don't know about ourselves until we are put in a position where we have to see God's power operating through us. God wants to develop us, and He uses the wilderness to do it. We have to choose to follow Him through the wilderness and trust that He will provide, or sit on the side whining and not receive the glory of His blessings. Job 4:25 I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees you. God wants us to see! You can't see the miracles unless there is an impossible situation you can't figure out for yourself.
Welcome to the Wilderness!
Hope you enjoy and are challenged by this weeks reading. Let us know what's on your mind.
(Leave a comment)
Have a Beautiful Day!
One in a Million,
Weekly Review,
Women's Bible Study
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Week One: One in a Million
Yesterday was the first meeting(s) for the new women's study One in a Million by Priscilla Shirer What did you think? Didn't you just love it? Well I did, I really like Priscilla Shirer studies. Ok so Thursday's after both groups have had a chance to meet, I thought it would be fun to post some interesting things that came out of the study. Now I know that I will be in the morning study but feel free to let me know if something sticks out to you night study ladies (I will try to connect with some of you prior to leaving Wednesday night). So these are things that really came alive for me, feel free to add an comments or e-mail me and I will post your things here if you like!
~*~ It's time for the Pew to reach the Pavement!~*~
What does that mean to you? For me it really confirms that it's time to get up (stop hiding) and get out there and be open to where and with what God wants to do in my life. I need to stop hiding behind the pew and hit the pavement that's where the real work can begin, in me and for others!
~*~Have you Submitted to the Grace of God?~*~
This statement really hit me and made me really look deep at what it means to submit. So Dictionary.com says
sub⋅mit /səbˈmɪt/ [suhb-mit] –verb (used with object) 1. to give over or yield to the power or authority of another (often used reflexively).
2. to subject to some kind of treatment or influence.
3. to present for the approval, consideration, or decision of another or others: to submit a plan; to submit an application.
4. to state or urge with deference; suggest or propose (usually fol. by a clause): I submit that full proof should be required.
To subject to some kind of treatment, such as God's Grace.
Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God
God justified us without any cause or reason. It kinda leaves me speechless, and also wanting to find out more.
~*~Each of us must decide if we want to go where God is leading~*~
We have to choose to go, the Egyptians were released by Pharaoh but they had to choose to stay or leave. (Thanks Cindy) They could have just stayed there and Continued to do what they always did, and get what they always got.
Like we have heard a lot of lately: ~*~ You can't do what you've always done and expect different results~*~ or if you always do what you always done you will always get what you always got.
A few ladies in the morning study shared their life verses and so meditate on these this week or find one for yourself.
Priscilla's Life verse:
Galatians 5:1 1It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Others:
Exodus 14:13 "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today
Isaiah 43:18-19Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
Two Questions to Ponder this week:
1. Have you been freed from the person of the Enemy in your life?
2. Have you been freed from the places where the Enemy reigns?
Hope you all have a great week, and will dig into God's word this week! My prayer is that your Shackels will be released (So you can dance!)
Love ya
~*~ It's time for the Pew to reach the Pavement!~*~
What does that mean to you? For me it really confirms that it's time to get up (stop hiding) and get out there and be open to where and with what God wants to do in my life. I need to stop hiding behind the pew and hit the pavement that's where the real work can begin, in me and for others!
~*~Have you Submitted to the Grace of God?~*~
This statement really hit me and made me really look deep at what it means to submit. So Dictionary.com says
sub⋅mit /səbˈmɪt/ [suhb-mit] –verb (used with object) 1. to give over or yield to the power or authority of another (often used reflexively).
2. to subject to some kind of treatment or influence.
3. to present for the approval, consideration, or decision of another or others: to submit a plan; to submit an application.
4. to state or urge with deference; suggest or propose (usually fol. by a clause): I submit that full proof should be required.
To subject to some kind of treatment, such as God's Grace.
Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God
God justified us without any cause or reason. It kinda leaves me speechless, and also wanting to find out more.
~*~Each of us must decide if we want to go where God is leading~*~
We have to choose to go, the Egyptians were released by Pharaoh but they had to choose to stay or leave. (Thanks Cindy) They could have just stayed there and Continued to do what they always did, and get what they always got.
Like we have heard a lot of lately: ~*~ You can't do what you've always done and expect different results~*~ or if you always do what you always done you will always get what you always got.
A few ladies in the morning study shared their life verses and so meditate on these this week or find one for yourself.
Priscilla's Life verse:
Galatians 5:1 1It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Others:
Exodus 14:13 "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today
Isaiah 43:18-19Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
Two Questions to Ponder this week:
1. Have you been freed from the person of the Enemy in your life?
2. Have you been freed from the places where the Enemy reigns?
Hope you all have a great week, and will dig into God's word this week! My prayer is that your Shackels will be released (So you can dance!)
Love ya
Monday, January 4, 2010
One in Million Bible Study
Calling all FBC Women: Hi Ladies! Please join us for One in a Million, a Bible study that will challenge you to conquer your wilderness living and teach you what it means to live free in Jesus Christ. This new 7-week study from Priscilla Shirer is a one-in-a-million opportunity to fully engage in the abundant inheritance God has waiting for those who are willing to follow Him into the promised land. Be prepared to dig into God's Word and gain prayer support from the women who will be walking beside you in this journey. We hope you have a great time of Bible study and fellowship in the weeks to come! Starting this week Wednesday January 6th The New Study One in a Million by Pricilla Shrier This study will be on Wednesday's 9am and at 6:30 p.m. Please Let Vicki Bowman if you are planning on attending. Hope to see you there!
Have a Beautiful Day!
Have a Beautiful Day!
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