Sunday, August 26, 2012

                                                                                              Join us for the Women's Retreat!  

Date: Friday & Saturday September 7-8 2012

Time: Check in begins at 5 p.m. Dinner is served at 6 p.m. and Session 1 will start at 7 p.m. We will end Saturday by approximately 4 p.m.

Location: Westminster Woods (Fall River, KS)

Cost: $60 (includes meals, lodging, retreat goodies!)  some scholarships are available!

Join us as we dig into the story of Ruth and Naomi and see how we can find shelter in God!

Session 1: Making God your firm foundation
Session 2: Learn how to approach changes (which we all face) through the account of Ruth and Naomi.
Session 3: The importance of supportive friends. 
Session 4: The hardships of Ruth and Naomi. (Service Project!)
Session 5:  Jesus, our Redeemer. He’s our covering and protection.
Session 6: Reflection and Prayer (Prayer stations!)
Session 7: Time to celebrate! (Affirmations!) 

Friendships are important. Critical, even! The best way to encourage friendships is to give opportunities for them to develop! Activities, worship, and time together all contribute to women sharing stories and growing closer to each other. The Cozy Mountain Lodge retreat will help you do just that!   We hope you will consider joining us for this years retreat! 

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