Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Women's Heart Bible Study! Week 5: Hearts in Fellowship

Week 5 and we are almost half way through this study!  Did I tell you I am loving it!  I have had to really dig and study my bible.  I hope you are enjoying this study and it's making you grow and search the bible as much as it is me.  Praying for you this week!

Day 1: The Holy Place

He will Cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His Faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.  Psalm 91:4

Most Scholars agree that  animal hides (Sea cows) were used to make the ceiling curtains.  Doesn't sound like a lovely sight does it?  But only those who dared to enter could behold the beauty hidden within.  How like our Savior's incarnate presence:  "He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him. (Isaiah 53:2)  Yet within Him "all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form" (Colossians 2:9)

How perfectly Christ portrays the nurturing wings of El Shaddai , the Caregiver.  God's wings covered His children with safety, security, joy, and affection.    

Learn to experience the warmth and protection of life beneath the  wings of the Almighty.

Day 2: The Golden Lampstand

The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him--The Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
 the Spirit of counsel and of power, 
the Spirit of  Knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.  
Isaiah 11:2

The lampstand was the only means for seeing  evidence of God in His holy place.  

And God used Bazalel a common man to make the lampstand.  God in His infinite wisdom, did not desire for  those measurements to be recorded.  You see, His illumination cannot be measured.

Day 3: Filling the Lamp
You are the Light of the world Matthew 5:14

One major difference exists between the way a candle burns and the way a lamp burns: a candle burns by consuming itself, while a lamp burns by consuming a continuous supply of oil from another source.

When we receive Christ as our personal Savior, the fuel of the Holy Spirit sparks the life of Christ in our hearts.  Although that  light can never be extinguished, the brightness of our flame entirely  depends on how much oil (the Holy Spirit) we allow Christ to pour on us.

If we do not burn with a passionate flame, it is because we have limited God, who prepared us for victory.

God's entire being unites to produce in you the brightest possible flame.

Day 4: A Table Set Before Him

The table was undoubtedly a place of communication and fellowship.  Being asked to sit  at another's table was both a privilege  and a sign of acceptance.  The table was a center of fellowship, just as it is today

Our hearts are prone to wander and tempted to squander our Father's inheritance on the world's cheap amusements.  But when our eyes awaken to reality , when we lift our heads above the compromise, and  when our stomachs ache for the food of home, a certain Father will always  be standing at the gate, ready to prepare a feast for us, waiting anxiously for His prodigal to come home.  (Praise God for this!)

Day 5: The Bread of the Presence

Bread of the presence was  prepared by crushing whole kernels of wheat into fine powder.  The ancient ovens were heated by fire, so this holy bread clearly  qualified as an offering made by fire.

The bread of God was devoid of leaven or yeast, just like the Bread of life was devoid of spot or blemish.  He was the Manna from heaven offered to all who partake of the Lord's table.

Our communion table reminds us of  our deliverance from sin and the costly  redemption of our release, which allowed us to enter a new covenant.  The Hebrews'  communion table reminded them of God's atonement and deliverance through His covenant with Abram.

Have a Beautiful Week!  
Praying for you this week! 


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